Clogtwo, real name Eman Raharno Jeman, is one of Southeast Asia’s leading visual artists and graffiti writers, and yet his path to following his passion has been nowhere near easy.
While many may think of art as a profession as a dive in the deep end, Clogtwo thinks of it more as a way of life. “I have grown into art, and art has grown on me. A lot of people think that you cannot survive on art as a profession, but I think that the world cannot function without art,” he mused.
Clogtwo’s interest in art began at the tender age of six, when he would spend all his time drawing cartoons and superheroes. Fast forward to today, the artist and his wife and creative partner, Inkten, have gone on to paint murals in places near and far, including Japan, Korea, London, the United States and Mexico.
MechaSoul Vinyl Art Sculptures Collection
Clogtwo and adFunture joint forces once again to release a series of vinyl art sculptures based on Clogtwo’s MechaSoul themed artworks. The ball-shaped Anti-Virus was the first to release out of the pack. This is an ongoing series.
“The psychological bond between mankind and technology is key to Clogtwo’s design ideaology. As a grafitti practitioner and visual engineer, Clogtwo’s work focuses on intricate mechanical designs and components, morphing into a unique style he calls the “MechaSoul”.”
PSYCHO CHIMP. 2020. Rotocasted Vinyl. 20cm tall. Edition of 50.